Thursday, September 18, 2008


My running partner, Shoshana aka Rosie , and I have  entered a new  arena of athletic endeavor--Golf. Yes, you read that correctly. I am playing golf. Those of you that know me know that,  until recently, I shared Mark Twain's view of golf ( good walk, spoiled).  As unbelievable as it may be, we are having a ton of fun. We are taking lessons and once a week we get to go to a lovely course near our houses and whack the hell out of a bucket of balls under the watchful eye of our instructor, Pat. Pat is a loveable curmudgeon from west Texas and because he can't remember or pronounce Shoshana's name, she has become Rosie ( which is what her name means in Hebrew). Yesterday we got to play an actual hole. Quite humbling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I actually really like the name "Rosie" and am thinking of changing my name. Who knew that golf was fun?

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