Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A year of beginnings and endings

It has been a year of endings. My husband is finishing one job and gearing up for the next. My year long yoga training is coming to an end and my children are transitioning into new divisions and new schools. We are selling the home we have lived in for seven years. The only home my youngest child remembers.  The first animals we ever 0wned ( predating kids and even marriage) grew old and died here. I think of the three of them(two old labs and an ancient kitty) as I cut the indigo hued hydrangeas that mark their final resting places. A silent nod to them as I arrange the blooms in a vase on the counter. It will be hard to leave them behind. A year of endings easing into a year of beginnings. A new state to explore, a new house, new jobs and new schools for everyone. Stay  posted as I intend a renewed commitment to this blog. Writing about my new profession(yoga teacher) and the CSA (community supported agriculture) box I plan to photograph and develop meals and blog posts around  on a weekly basis.
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